— Page 27 —
The Dive

Hey tridenthead, you're not going to suddenly lose signal again now that Galevei and her bidenthead are gone, right?

I have rebooted my communications array and downloaded new configuration files to accomodate for this planet's magnetic phenomena. Signal strength should continue to remain at satisfactory levels.


Then In that case... it's time to take the hyoomens swimming!

Ahh, it feels like it's been forever since I got to stretch out my flagellae! Pretty cool, right? I've been spending a lot of time on land lately, but Ozecia are just as awesome in water too!

On my own planet the water's so gross it can barely filter through my membrane, so I have to do all kinds of uncomfortable anaerobic stuff and it's really no fun to spend any amount of time swimming. But here? The water's so clean I can breathe just fine!

All spearhead models remain fully functional underwater as well, and do not require air in order to operate.

You're a squid! I think they could've probably guessed that you work in the water!

Anyway, you heard what Galevei said earlier. Rhiotara's rivers go all over the place, and there's underground oceans! Which means if I swim long enough...!

Warning: drop ahead. Downward current rapidly increasing in strength. For your safety, turning back is recommended.

Yeah, that's exactly what I was hoping for! Now I'll get to show them something really cool!
