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Woohoo! I can't wait anymore! Let's get this thing started already!

First things first... let's talk about ME!

So I'm a gooey person from the planet Syndomera. We didn't originally call ourselves anything out there because we don't have a language, so some science guys decided to call us "Ozecia" in their language. That's cool I guess.

They wanted to study me cuz my species does a bunch of weird stuff nobody else does. Like how I turned yellow a second ago when I was feeling really excited, didja notice that? That happens with blobs sometimes!

Let's see, how can I put this... you know how most people are made out of a bunch of much tinier people called "cells?" I'm like that too, except instead of each cell only doing one kind of thing, all my cells know how to do everything! That's why I don't have any organs, not even a brain!

But my cells still have their own ways to talk to each other without all those... uh, brain... noodles you guys have in your bodies?

Vocabulary suggestion: [Nervous Tissue]

Yeah, that! My cells can do stuff together even without nerves or tissues between them. It even works if I break apart into pieces! Here, I'll show you!

Tah dah! Now there's even more of me to love! It doesn't matter how many little pieces I break into, they're all still part of me, and I can move around and control them however I like!

The science guys totally flipped when they saw I could do this. They studied my species a whole bunch and I guess cuz of that they found out how to give people psychic powers and also build cool squids? You know, like that Tridenthead that's with me right now.

Actually they just keep making better and better squids, and they keep giving me the newest version every time.

So yeah, that was the time I accidentally helped some dudes invent a whole new field of science, whoops!

...what was I talking about again?