Spearheads - Psychic Helper Squidbots!

Okay so talking about squids earlier gave me an idea: why don't I talk some more about squids? This space colony that I'm living on right now is one of the main places that they're built! So I'm taking us down to the Official Squidbuilding Department here at Aidek Biotechnologies--
Correction: This part of the ARTRODUS facility is referred to as "Spearhead Research and Development Operations, Section Alpha."

Yeah yeah whatever! I like my name for it better!
...anyway, I found this tall sciency looking Elutara who doesn't look too busy, and now they're gonna talk to us about squids work!
Oh, um...yes hello there. We're...really not supposed to be streaming video footage of the R&D Area though...

Aww, but I'm doing a science educational series thing! I wanna show people on other planets how awesome Zoincailla is, and I was really hoping I could get you to talk about some of the cool stuff you do here in the squidlabs...
...fine, fine.. I suppose theres a few things that I ought to be allowed to show the public from here without risking my job or anything.

Woohoo! You've saved my life!
So, these are some of our standard-model Spearheads, floating inside a special nutrient formula which facilitates their growth.
The Spearhead series is one of our most successful products here at Aidek to come out of the whole, "Psionic Revolution" that the media likes to talk about. They're the versatile, self-repairing psionic assistant of the future! Spearheads are starting to be used for all sorts of critical purposes throughout the solar system, from the scientific and medical fields, to the military, to helping everyday people with their errands!
This batch is almost complete, and I've just been tracking the final stages of growth so I can figure out how to further optimize the process.

...I suppose you're probably at least somewhat familiar with what these are, considering the device this is being broadcasted on!