Desert River
Our lovely planet's surface isn't just all red sand and burning sunlight - it's just mostly those things! We Glydros may thrive in the heat, but it's rivers like these ones that make things bearable around here.

Oh yeah! I saw those from space when I was heading there! They looked tiny from all the way up there, but they were squiggling around all over the place.
This is probably obvious to you Nhimor, but for your hyu-friends watching: Rhiotara's name comes from our word for "heartpulse." These rivers are like veins that carry water across the whole surface, and life follows wherever it goes. We Glydros grew to be so fast and tough so that we could cross the vast desert lands between the oases created by the rivers.

I wonder what having a heart is like, anyway. It always seemed like all that thumping sound inside myself would get distracting.
From what I've seen of you today, you seem to have plenty of heart anyway!

Hehe, I try!
We really are pretty different, you and I. Glydros have got THREE hearts, after all. All that blood has to keep up with how fast we can run.
The doctors that helped me grow my new leg said that there were some extra difficulties in getting that kind of thing set up for my species, since our blood pumps so hard. Seems to be working fine for me so far though.

Hey, what about your squid? You use it as your eyes, so how do you keep it from getting left behind when you run as fast as you can?
This unit's tractor beam functionality has been specially modified, allowing it to remain anchored to its user's position when necessary, even when moving at high velocities. In addition, the Bidenthead model was chosen as the basis for this prosthesis, as its faster image processing rate is necessary for the speeds that Glydros can run at.

That's awesome! There really is a squid for every occasion!

Hey, you know what? Standing in front of this river just reminded me how thirsty I am again! Give me a sec.