— Page 6 —

Hey, it's been forever since you came up here! What's up?

(You didn't need to shove me aside just to say that...)

Oh, I was actually just looking for Lymia so I could bum a ride off of her.

Excuses, excuses. You can talk about faster than light travel all you want, but you're probably just hoping she'll ~smooch~ you again!

I mean, yeah that's also true! ...but there's already three perfectly smoochable cuties in front of me!

pffheehee awww~

Don't worry, these's literally plenty of me to go around~

Be advised that this recording is meant to be educational in nature. Flagrant flirting with the local Lepatoids may prove counter-productive to this goal.

Nobody asked you!

Hehe that reminds me, what kind of video are we even making, anyway?

Oh yeah, I should probably explain that! I'm doing this whole big documentary thing where I show off cool stuff from Zoincailla.

Hey, we're cool stuff from Zoincailla! You should just make your movie be about us.

Hey, that's a good idea! You all should tell people all about where the cute fairies came from!

Ooh, let me try first!

We're Lepatoids, a kind of fairy species that goes all the way back to prehistoric times. People say that all sentient life in our world came from a common ancestor, and well...we're basically it!

No no no, you got it wrong! we're not the ancestor species, the Precursor Fairies are!

Isn't that just a theory or a legend or something?

It is just a theory, but our own existence is huge evidence for it!

Details, details... I was trying to simplify things so we wouldn't bore them to sleep, but, fiiine.

Alright, so it's believed that all sentient life came from an ancient species now called "Precursors"

Displaying image rendition for "Precursor."

Oh--yes, thank you very much.

These "Precursors" were strange little creatures of an indeterminate appearance. Supposedly they were really sensitive to their environments and prone to mutations in the DNA they passed on to their children. Every new generation changed a LOT from the previous one! Pretty soon they all looked super different from each other in no time at all.

So the mutations weren't even random, right? Like if one of them moved somewhere cold, their kids'd end up with thicker fur and stuff. Or even what food your parents ate, or the activities they did. Like if they both swam a whole bunch, you could end up with fins or fishy features, even if neither of them had those! How wild is that?

...yeah that's basically what I heard. Anything the Precursor Fairies struggled with, their kids would come out immediately stronger at all those things, to better face those conditions! And whenever different populations of fairies mixed, there was an explosion in the diversity of their forms, as all those different traits got mixed and matched! Soon every corner of Zoincailla was teeming with different kinds of fae of every shape and size.

Yeah, yeah, this is some great stuff! Keep it going!

You know, there's something I've always been wondering about whenever this whole story comes up. If these precursors were so great and always adapting to everything, where did they all go? How come we don't see them around anymore?

Oh, oh! I can answer this one! And it's a good way to talk about what Lepatoids really are, too...