
Well, this blubbing sucks. I've been walking for hours and still nothing! Why didn't you tell me I was gonna end up in the middle of nowhere?
A warning was issued when we were initially approaching the waterfall.

Shut up!!

Ughh... I know I messed up... I just wish I could find someone down here already...

Hey wait, what's that light over there? It looks different than all the glowing mushrooms and crystals I've been seeing down here!
I am detecting strong electrical currents in that direction.

Electrical currents? That's gotta be civilization! Come on, let's check it out!

Wooooahhh... look at that thing! Is it some kinda crystally machine? It's glowing and buzzing like some kind of generator!
That is a large cluster of Electrite, a rare mineral found in nature almost exclusively within Rhiotara's interior.

>>SAFETY WARNING: This material exhibits an abnormally strong piezoelectric effect. Merely touching the crystals can trigger an electrical discharge.
-Loud sounds and differences in air pressure have also been observed to cause discharges in some cases.
-For particularly massive crystals, substantial voltage can even be generated by the strain of the crystal's own weight.

Huh... so I guess this doesn't mean we found anyone yet, huh? It's just another cool rock...
Electrite's presence is often associated with civilization. It was through this mineral that ancient Kiteras became the first society to harness electrical energy. Electrite is still used for numerous industrial applications even today. My navigation system does not indicate any known cities in this area, but it is possible that a settlement or mining operation may have taken shape near this electrite deposit.

>>>SAFETY WARNING: To reiterate, remaining this close to an electrite formation of this size without proper safety equipment is not recommended.

Yeah yeah, I'm listening this time! I know the zappy rocks are dangerous, I'll just make sure to keep my distance and–
