— Page 42 —
Blob of the Past, pt.1

You know, before I get too far into showing you this place, I think I wanna step back and explain just what it was like living here... cuz honestly? It's like coming from a whole different world.

Hey tridenthead, do that thing where you can put what's in my head on the screen! I'm thinking of something from a long time ago.

Linking with user [NHIMOR]...

Detecting mental images...

>1 primary image identified. Displaying now.

Yeah, that's the one. In this picture I was in someplace much more wet and squelchy than the drylands we're in now.

Look at me there, I wonder if you guys can even recognize me! I was different back then... a dirtier, more blobby kind of blob. With no friends. Heck, I didn't even know what talking was. There was no TV shows, no internet, no video games, no hot fairies, no cheese, no cats...

If you wanted a house, your best bet was to find little crevices among all the old crumbling debris that's all over the place here. I remember I was always curious about where this stuff came from, because it was all just kind of ‘there', you know?

Many of the artificial structures and objects found on the surface of Syndomera are the remnants of various Neraphine civilizations that had once lived there. Legends and historical records allude to years of war and strife following the fragmentation of an ancient kingdom called Caelestis.

Yeah well, if those Caelestis people are the ones that destroyed the planet and made this place get all gross and bad, then someone really messed up! I get mad thinking about how I didn't even know what a sucky place I was living in because it's the only thing I ever knew!!